16 months unemployed/new business & son's mental health issues
desullivan09Prayers: 2Requests: 11
April 27, 2017 at 2:53 pmI love the DAB family and covet your prayers. It is a blessing to be able to bear our burdens with our brothers & sisters in Christ.
I was laid off from a 16 year job in January 2016 and not been able to find meaningful unemployment. I have started a sole proprietorship with 2 new clients and need prayer for meaningful sales results to meet our financial needs, we’re nearing the final 2 months of our financial resources. I’m standing on His promise that “My God will supply all my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus”!
Also, my 24 year old son living with us for 7 months refuses to go to see a counselor (a Psychiatrist my wife and I have been counseling with). We believe he has an addiction, social anxiety and other issues and burdened by his life that is going nowhere (no friends, minimal work, a non-existent faith walk, etc).
Thank you DAB family, I love you.
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
April 27, 2017 at 5:08 pmDear Brother Dennis,
Know my prayer will start now for you. Will pray into this and write again.
God bless you. In Jesus name.
AmensoundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
April 27, 2017 at 7:55 pmI will pray for your financial situation but don’t have words for that.
I felt called to pray for your son. God longs for a relationship with him, he is ready to receive him. The verse for your boy is 2 Corinthians 6:17-18. Indeed, I believe it is in his faith that his life can be changed. Further I believe it is God that will work in him that will energise him and give him strength to forfill his purpose (Philippians 2:13).
I pray that there may be a way in within worship music, that he would be receptive to receive some music and that you would find a song for him that he may like to listen to or a way to offer it to him. Even if you just listen to it when he is around.
That is it for now. I will pray each day ahead for him. God bless your faithfulness as a father. I love you to my Brother in Christ.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
April 27, 2017 at 9:05 pmBrother Dennis,
we love you too and God loves you so much more! Now regarding your business, dedicate it to God in the same way we dedicate our children to God. Once you do that , it now is in the hands of our father. Pray over it and in all your dealings, work as though God owns that business. Pray every single day you get to your business and ask for favor in the name of Jesus! I pray that the Lord will make a way in the wilderness and provide for your family. God has done it for many so you too can be part of that blessing.Regarding your son, he needs to be completely set free since he is bound by the enemy of our soul. Note that addiction, social anxiety and any negative behaviors are NOT from God.
Our father gives us good and perfect gifts so clearly we know that addiction and social anxiety cannot come from God.I pray that the Lord Jesus will soften your son’s heart and that your son will listen to that still small voice . I ask that you and your wife prayer over your home and son. Pray hard and know that this is a battle between God and the enemy.
My prayer is that the Lord will break every chain that has entangled your son, that He will open the eyes of your son and set him free indeed. I pray for a hedge of protection over your entire family! I pray that the Lord sets all captives free in your family! I pray that the spirit of God will expose that which is not from God and thus cause blessings to start flowing in your family!
I come against the lies and accusations of the enemy in the name of Jesus! I speak life over your marriage, business and family!
Any doors that the enemy had shut must open in the name of Jesus! I cancel the plans of the enemy over your family and decree by faith that Dennis and family will start walking in freedom because the blood of Jesus covers them.May you always find joy in knowing that God is constantly watching over you and wants to have a very deep and intimate relationship with you. Tap into God’s power and receive your breakthroughs!
PS: Do not forget to use God’s full armor daily ( Ephe 6:10-18)Michaela from GloucesterPrayers: 882Requests: 53
April 30, 2017 at 7:16 amAmen
Praying for you Dennis and for your son. I’ve been in a similar situation to him, and I know others as well.
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
April 30, 2017 at 6:48 pmPraying Dennis for a breakthrough in employment and for your son.
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