Tomorrow is the 8th of September and my daughter is going to mediation. To settle out of court with her husband who has controlled, mentally verbally physically abuised her. He has tried to deem her as ” crazy” she has papers to say she’s is not but does suffer from PTS.
The prayer is : that He / husband would not cancel again but that there would be a settlement that would protect the children. I don’t know how else to pray ? Financially he took everything locked her out of all accounts. Her father and I have been carrying the load. So I’m begging for the DAB family to help carry the load to our Great Father.
Thank you Kelley Trusting God
Prayers: 5Requests: 1
September 9, 2016 at 2:35 am
May Jesus remind you of His love. May He bring hope and healing to your family. May the father of these children find his own identity in Jesus and let go of his destructive ways. May you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is your Fortress and your Rock. You are loved. Always.