calvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
June 21, 2016 at 6:43 amhave been praying for a years now..for this plan
Need a investment..
1. Need to get a business license for the garment which include shoes, bags and all goods
2. Rent a shop, to rent is first we need to buy it and after that we need to rent it..
3. Employ Christian youth’s.
4. Get goods from Thailand and India.i want to do this business because there is a good profit and from this profit i seriously i want to help the helpless, want to help rejected and lost youth’s, drug addition, wants to look after sick in hospital who dont have anyone to look after and other sick people too.. Want to look after orphan and educated them, wants to sent Christian youths for training biblical. Wants to look after old and rejected parents wants to give them love and shelter, lots to do, please trust in this one plan and pray for it please.. To reachout to the unreach buddish people of Bhutan.
want to help both unbelievers and believer for the kingdom of God. Please stand with me in prayer pleaser. For the dream, goal n for this vision. As i live by Faith, leaning only upon God. Need your prayer support.
From Bhutan.jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
June 21, 2016 at 8:53 amPraying alongside you.
calvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
June 22, 2016 at 1:45 amDo please praying for Financial break thru.. For the investment too.. May Who ever may be may they will have a heart to invest in this business plan. To help others
Michaela from GloucesterPrayers: 882Requests: 53
June 22, 2016 at 5:43 amAmen
Praying for God to bless your work and bless Bhutan through your work.calvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
June 24, 2016 at 2:34 pmKeep praying..
calvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
June 24, 2016 at 2:35 pmMichaela keep praying.. Thank you
calvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
June 27, 2016 at 5:40 amPray for the financial help or support… For the plan, goal and vision for Bhutan..
Please help to stand with me in a prayer.
Help me to help othersMichaela from GloucesterPrayers: 882Requests: 53
June 27, 2016 at 5:54 amStanding with you in prayer
calvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
July 22, 2016 at 10:13 amMichaela do keep praying .. Thank you so much…
Zach HartPrayers: 489Requests: 26
July 22, 2016 at 7:12 pmHi calvin25aug,
I’m lifting you and your cares to God.
Zachcalvin25augPrayers: 6Requests: 1
August 2, 2016 at 7:36 amHi Zach,
Thank you so much please as you are lifting me in your prayer,,, do keep so.. Am glad that you are standing with me in prayer. Do pray may God open a door for it..
Lots of people from kids to old are in need of help.. Please pray.
Need a financial support to support all the helpless. Please pray… Just trusting upon God n praying.Always
Chungkhu. -
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