I want to feel like I belong and have peace.
lawcaelaPrayers: 0Requests: 2
May 4, 2019 at 6:39 pmI need prayer to help me see my purpose in life. I am a saved christian, but I still struggle with sin and I do not feel worthy of God’s love. I see the different blessings in my life from God, but I still feel unloved. I have had my heart broken and I shut myself off from dating but I allowed myself to date this year and it only ended in heart break again and I just feel like God has no one for me. I feel like I am damaged goods, and ugly. I just want peace, and for the yearning for love to be quieted in me so that I can be happy.
sheridanlynchPrayers: 14Requests: 0
May 5, 2019 at 1:57 amPraying through Romans chapter 5 for you. May you be encouraged knowing you belong to Jesus now as he has paid in full for each and every one of those sins.
pattysyellowbusPrayers: 5968Requests: 69
May 5, 2019 at 5:54 amAbba, Father! You are holy, Your Name be Praised! We seek with all of our hearts, Your Kingdom and Your Will as it is done in heaven. Today, O Lord, lawcaela needs a Word, that opens her heart to truly know how much You love her. Give her a strong desire for Your Word, to know You intimately. As this hunger grows O Lord, allow her to be immersed in the Wonder of You. Give her the peace that she desires and the knowledge that her worthiness is not based upon anything that she has done or not done but on what You have accomplished, dear Jesus, on the Cross. Show her how to die to herself and be raised to new life, not figuratively but actually in a new purpose of life. Lead her by Your Spirit O Lord, that she is a daughter of the King and Your Joy is her strength. We fan the flame of LOVE O Lord, may lawcaela refocus upon You and allow all these other things be taken care of in Your timing. Praise You Father! All Glory and Honor to Your Holy Name!
gsimoninPrayers: 5621Requests: 43
May 5, 2019 at 10:24 amStanding in agreement with those prayers. Lord, You can see and hear the pain our sister is feeling right now and it’s not something that You want for her. Help her find and see how You see her and fill her with Your purpose and Your overwhelming love. None of us is worthy, save for the sacrificial love of Christ. When I stand before Your throne and am asked why You should allow me into heaven, all I will be able to say is, “I’m with Him (Jesus)”. That’s all I have to offer You. Today Lord, I ask that You would be very real in lawcaela’s life and help her hear You say, “I love you, lawcaela”.
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