Mother dying; Family of non believers, I am losing hope
imlawyerPrayers: 2Requests: 2
January 19, 2017 at 10:47 amMy mom is in her last hours and my siblings and I are by her side . Mom and I have different faith journeys which makes me unsure of her salvation, in addition, my siblings are not believers and I am struggling on how to be authentic in my Christian witness when I am having doubts and fear myself. Please pray for us. Mom is now unresponsive and has hours to live. Thank you so very much.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
January 19, 2017 at 12:45 pmI hope that mum is still alive as I write this, sometimes she may be unresponsive but can hear. Please whisper in her ears and tell her “JESUS LOVES YOU AND LONGS FOR YOU. He wants to save you . Please squeeze my hand if you are willing to accept Jesus into your life right now;he wants to forgive you mum , so please forgive everyone that has wronged you. he is waiting for you mum and you cannot delay”
People have been saved on their death beds so I pray that you mum gets to know Jesus before it is too late.
Do not fear my sister as that comes from Satan. We are talking here about a great battle between hell and heaven and yes you are the only one in that family that can shine the light of Jesus. Please do it and have no fear in Jesus name.
cheriedackPrayers: 8Requests: 2
January 19, 2017 at 2:24 pmI am praying for you and your family this morning! You are not alone.
raspberryflowerPrayers: 66Requests: 7
January 19, 2017 at 7:48 pmPraying for you, your mother, and your family.
pentb005.320Prayers: 35Requests: 4
January 20, 2017 at 10:29 pmI am praying for you and your family, Christ died for everybody, don’t lose hope. Keep praying for your family and trusting in GOD’s power. As somebody told me, set an example for your family and live for Christ so that through you they will see God’s love. These are my favourite Bible verses that help in nearly every situation:
Philippians 4:6-7New International Version (NIV)6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Keep praying and trusting in God, “Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself.” There is nothing that God cannot do.
jjvb05Prayers: 24Requests: 2
January 21, 2017 at 5:44 pmIn Jesus name, I pray for my sister and her family. I pray for peace and unity in Jesus.
Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”Testimony
I completely understand what you are going through, my sister! My uncle, who was devoted to his religion, ended up on life support but because of accusations of child molestation his son and wife (separated for many years) were not by his side. I couldn’t let him be alone if he passed, even though I was angry at him because of these allegations. Even though I would never condone this behavior and had my reasons to suspect the molestation accusations were true, I understood that I could not judge him. I know that judging and condemning was not up to me.
Two other family members and I were there by his side until he passed. One member of the family, believes in God but that is it. The other a baby believer who struggles with depression. I didn’t know what to do since my uncle was in a coma so I remembered the same thing that they may be able to hear. I sang praises, read scriptures, prayed over him and believed that he would come back to us, remembering, that Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead. I got close to his ear and asked him to repent of his sins and to genuinely turn to the Lord and let the Lord guide him. My uncle passed two days later, with a peaceful face. I believe God was in control even though I may have felt I didn’t do enough.
Now, I felt peace in asking the Lord to guide me in being genuine in my faith and if that means talking to my loved ones about the Lord so be it. If that means they get angry, so be it. I just want to please my Father in Heaven who removes all fear!SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
January 21, 2017 at 7:56 pmPraise God jjvb05! Keep up the good work! We are here to please God and not man. To God be the Glory!!
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
January 21, 2017 at 9:29 pmPraying
jmbrounerPrayers: 40Requests: 13
January 23, 2017 at 2:19 amI am sorry that you are losing your mother and that you are struggling to be “authentic in [your]Christian witness. ” Like you, some of my closest family members and most of my friends do not believe in Christ. Lord, we Love you. We invite you into this moment. We ask Lord for your forgiveness for the ways we fall short in our witness and faithfulness. Lord we ask you to surround our sister With your clarity, your protection, your strength as her mother is dying. Lord we ask that the Holy Spirit fill this moment and that the mother feels you and knows you . In Jesus’ name, amen.
amilovepiecePrayers: 2Requests: 1
January 23, 2017 at 2:46 amI’m so sorry. My prayers are with you. Please just touch her and pray in your heart. Give her a hug and just love on her in prayer.
Please be encouraged and I am praying that God fills that room with an overwhelming peace that is so strong that it is tangible. God is with you and God honors your prayers and will honor her heart in these last hours. Please be strong and know that your DAB. Family is here with you and that Jesus is resting in that room amongst the silence.
Stay encouraged and I’m praying that God comforts you in this very hour.
imlawyerPrayers: 2Requests: 2
January 23, 2017 at 12:18 pmThank you my DAB family. My mom died peacefully on Jan 19. The Lord brought a believing caregiver that prayed and read the Bible to her and whispered truth in her ear. She was with her at the moment of her death., while we had stepped out of the room. She is confident mom is with the Lord and was at peace when she passed. I believe the Lord allowed me to help bring my siblings together to give my mom what she needed the last week of her life. Thank you, thank you DAB family for your prayers for us when I could not pray as I wanted.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
January 23, 2017 at 12:50 pmPraise the Lord!!! Thank you Jesus.
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