Me & my boyfriend, Mark just broke up & I’m at peace with it. However, I am concerned for his heart. I am asking that God creates and restores in him a new heart and renew a right spirit. He doesn’t know Christ like he should. The enemy has him blinded, bound in pride & hardness of the heart. His ability to see is crippled, disabling having a true spirit of compassion and empathy. I’m praying for his well being over all before it’s too late. I want him to experience the love of God and the fullness there of. Please pray that the wool is removed from over his eyes.
Prayers: 19Requests: 8
January 12, 2017 at 1:50 pm
I am praying.
Prayers: 2920Requests: 24
January 12, 2017 at 1:58 pm
May God remove the dark veil that is blinding him. I pray that God will arrest his thoughts and draw your boyfriend to Him. Saul was a chief persecutor of Christians, yet Jesus saved him , so just remember your boyfriend is one of many that Jesus can save, so we shall believe together that somehow supernaturally God will touch his heart. Nothing is too difficult for our God!