swimmer1604Prayers: 2Requests: 6
January 4, 2018 at 9:47 pmThere is a lot of drama in school and in my friend group. Please pray for me to say the right things and live out my faith in Christ. Please pray for me to know which friends to keep and which ones to let go. As one of my favorite quotes say, “Your life as a Christian should make nonbelievers question their disbelief in God.” Dear Gracious God, Please help me to know what to say between my friends and peers at school. Help me to know which friends to keep and which ones to leave. Help me to live out the quote above and help 2018 to be a year for me to proudly show my faith in school and among peers. Amen.
naniho02Prayers: 4Requests: 2
January 4, 2018 at 11:03 pmyou are not alone!! I am also going through this exact situation and I pray that whoever you’re in this situation with or whatever is going on that god will show himself and you will see the ones that are loyal and shine a light on the true prize (god) although sometimes it’s hard to see god is working through your life right now and you’ll soon see the results through all this struggle. I love you!
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
January 5, 2018 at 1:44 amDear Lord Jesus,
Let those who love you at school be a rock for others. Lord let them see something different in them. Lord with gentleness and respect let them show others about you, Lord shine through them that others would see their faith at work. Lord be a blessing through them. Even through their actions and kindness let them be different because of your love. AmenmilleteddPrayers: 8Requests: 2
January 5, 2018 at 2:01 pmI am the superintendent of a school and I am so proud of you. I ask confidently for God to let you shine and radiate His glory at school. I pray that God will give you the wisdom, courage, gentleness and respect that you need in your friend group. Also, Lord, I thank you for this special student and friend!
1 Timothy 4:12SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
January 5, 2018 at 9:09 pmPraise God for God fearing students !! May the Spirit of discernment rest upon you !
Thank God also that we have a school superintendent! God is so awesome👏 . May he guide you at school and separate you from those that can easily defile you .
He has heard your prayer 🙏
Stay on that narrow path . -
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