She feels like her body is breaking down- please pray
mariannesellePrayers: 3Requests: 1
March 25, 2017 at 4:27 pmHi, I have a daughter going to college in Florida and she has been in different kinds of pain most of her life. Her spine is not straight and that causes pain in her back and neck.
Now her jaw is in a way locked. It feels like its delocated, but x-ray doesn’t show anything. She cannot eat or chew because of the pain. She has exams coming up and she wants to complete the semester. But she is exhausted and in much pain all the time. She has been to doctors and chiropractors, but little helps.
we know that God is our doctor and we really need Him now.
-M-soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 25, 2017 at 9:55 pmGod is a healer. I will pray for the pain to be easier and for her ability to cope. I will pray for her that God would give her the strength she needs. I am praying tonight and now will pray often, know that God is close. In Jesus name – I am on my knees for her now.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
March 25, 2017 at 10:08 pmDear Lord Jesus ,
You are our great healer . Lord you know exactly what this daughter is going through , you bore the weight of this world on the cross .
My Lord I ask that you rebuke Satan . I ask that if you are willing to please make this daughter whole.My Lord we wrestle wicked forces and need you please to set your child free. I am not only asking for healing but this time I am asking for a miracle.
My Lord I am asking for you to unlock her jaw . Prince of peace I am also asking that you touch her spine and do what no doctors have ever done .
Jehovah Rapha I am pleading on behalf of this daughter for complete restoration, complete freedom from the chains of infirmity that have chained her way too long . My Lord please set her free and receive all the glory .I pray all of this believing in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
AmensoundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 25, 2017 at 10:12 pmAmen Sister Shelia. Matthew 18:19 be done in this. Amen.
rojelove14Prayers: 2Requests: 5
March 26, 2017 at 5:42 amI pray that the God of all Creation, Healer, Comforter, stretches out His Living Arms and heals your daughter in a supernatural way. AMEN
mariannesellePrayers: 3Requests: 1
March 26, 2017 at 7:14 amThank you so very much. I’ll keep you posted on her progress.
Michaela from GloucesterPrayers: 882Requests: 53
March 26, 2017 at 5:46 pmPraying
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 26, 2017 at 7:08 pmPlease do will keep praying.
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
March 26, 2017 at 9:11 pmPraying for your daughter.
mariannesellePrayers: 3Requests: 1
March 28, 2017 at 5:11 amShe went to x-ray. Doctor said there is nothing structural. Amen!
However, she has a strong inlammation and so far it is not getting any better, even though the doctor says this this should normally go over after a couple of weeks. So we’ll continue to pray for the inflammation to let go.
-M-soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 28, 2017 at 5:50 amAmen. Will pray for that now. In Jesus name. Amen.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
March 28, 2017 at 10:58 amGod is good ! Has the pain gone away? Let us know.
Get a list of healing scriptures , print them or write them down whichever is easier and speak then out in faith . Our father is our creator and healer .
The desire of our father is that we may be in good health even as our soul prospers .
Next this is a must for all of us . Put on the full armor of God daily . Teach your daughter to do the same . If she is not a believer just make the prayer on her behalf as we entrust her into God’s hands ( Ephe 6:10-20)soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 28, 2017 at 7:37 pmAmen Sister Shelia.
GodB4mePrayers: 50Requests: 5
March 28, 2017 at 8:11 pmPrayers, for your daughter, and your families… (hug)
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
March 29, 2017 at 9:26 pmContinuing with prayers for your daughter.
mariannesellePrayers: 3Requests: 1
March 31, 2017 at 5:36 amHi everyone. Thank you so much for your prayers. The jaw is definitely improving. She says that when she wakes up in the morning, it is still “out of place” – and this also happens sometimes during the day. But the pain is going back and we see progress.
We will see this through – I’ll keep you posted.
-M-soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 31, 2017 at 7:41 amPlease do. Will continue prayers and especially as you ask for her jaw.In Jesus name.
AndySheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
March 31, 2017 at 11:55 amContinuing in prayers for your dear daughter
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