Straight path with God/ Alicia from Kansas
bluekitty5411Prayers: 18Requests: 3
February 25, 2017 at 1:50 pmI was recently in a major motor vehicle accident.
It involved a drunk driver and two other cars. My car was impacted three times, twice while I was in the car. This all happened on the highway at high speeds. It’s a miracle as I heard “get out of the car” once my car had made impact with cement barriers. After getting out of the car my car was struck again!
I have a lawyer as the drunk driver stopped then left.
I’m asking for prayer for healing and financial burdens of medical care to be covered and missed days of work.
Please also pray for a safe and good car. I’m having difficulty driving currently due to fear as I was conscious during all.
My father and others were killed in a drunk driving accident. My father was the drunk driver. This is impacting me also as I grew up without him
Please pray for the driver who was under the influence also.
Thank you all and blessings to your day!
Alicia from KansasSheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
February 25, 2017 at 7:57 pmSister Alicia,
The Lord is faithful and shields HIS own. The enemy was targeting you BUT when he (Satan) came as a flood the Lord Jesus raised up a Standard against him and that is the reason you are alive today! The same evil force that was involved in your father’s accident was attempting to get you BUT God could not allow this to happen so for this we Praise God! In the mighty name of Yeshua ( Jesus Christ) I come against the wicked force of the enemy that has targeted you Alicia , I BIND it , render it powerless in the mighty name of Jesus! I command every wicked force behind this accident to flee from your presence into the ABYSS! in the name of Jesus!
I speak Life upon you Alicia! May you live a long FULFILLED LIFE Alicia ! The enemy will NOT short change your life Alicia and you Alicia MUST claim this promise in Jesus name!
May you Alicia find favor with the insurance company and lawyer as relates to the accident case. May you Alicia get compensated back for all your losses and get back more than you already have lost.
Be sure to ALWAYS wear the full armor of God ( Ephe 6:10-18) so that you can stand when the enemy throws fiery darts at you.
Stay strong in Christ for He is your strong tower and through HIM alone have you been saved.
Glory to God.
Lord Jesus by the power of your Blood shield this petition and all petitions made on behalf of Alicia. Thwart ALL the efforts of the enemy in Jesus name! Amen.
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
February 25, 2017 at 11:05 pmFor you Alicia psalm 116 verse 7 in particular. I pray this for you, for your soul to return to rest after what has happened. I pray against the fear you feel, I pray that you seek God and he comes so close that you know the only thing in life to fear is our God, nothing else, but he is love and loves you so we know not to be afraid because of our lovely Jesus. God bless you.
kowal9791Prayers: 11Requests: 1
February 26, 2017 at 6:37 pmPraying for you dear sister. Whenever I buckle up to drive I say out loud..”Jesus you are my co-pilot. Sit here next to me and protect me from all harm!” Then you must have faith that He will do just that. With Gods love and mine…bless you!
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
February 28, 2017 at 3:06 pmPraising God for the miracle He delivered to you that day. Praying for your current situation sister.
pastorlweaverPrayers: 70Requests: 5
February 28, 2017 at 3:46 pmPraying for you. When I was 12 years and now I am 65 our farm was lost because my father was sued due to causing and accident because of drunk driving. His drinking deeply hurts our family. I am the baby brother of seven. Father was killed by a train in his car. I lost 2 sisters and brother to other health issues. I pray you will take a step of faith and start driving again. Do not allow Satan to overwhelm you with fear. God be with you as walk in faithfulness with Jesus.
matthew.ennorPrayers: 50Requests: 2
February 28, 2017 at 7:12 pmPrayers said for you Alicia in the name of Christ Jesus I pray the Lord God our Heavenly Father will shower you with His Grace and restores all that the enemy takes from you.
bluekitty5411Prayers: 18Requests: 3
February 28, 2017 at 11:27 pmThere are no words. Praise Jesus for your prayer.
bluekitty5411Prayers: 18Requests: 3
February 28, 2017 at 11:29 pmAnd God bless you. I am drawing nearer! Thank you
bluekitty5411Prayers: 18Requests: 3
February 28, 2017 at 11:30 pmThank you. Love the thought of talking to Him about being my copilot. Thank you and blessings.
bluekitty5411Prayers: 18Requests: 3
February 28, 2017 at 11:31 pmThank you for your prayers. Blessings.
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