Unborn baby boy with heart/lung issue
Loving foreverPrayers: 3Requests: 6
July 30, 2024 at 1:47 amPlease pray for my friends daughter Megan who is in hospital with pre eclampsia facing the early birth of her son who will have to have an operation for a heart/lung issue shortly after his birth. If the baby survives Mum & Baby will need to be in hospital in intensive care for two months.
spiritdoc1Prayers: 51010Requests: 2892
July 30, 2024 at 2:01 amPraying for mom and infant. The impossible bows to GOD!
spiritdoc1Prayers: 51010Requests: 2892
July 30, 2024 at 2:10 amPraying for this very important request. God bless you♥️🙏🏻
spiritdoc1Prayers: 51010Requests: 2892
July 30, 2024 at 2:19 amThe impossible vows to God’s will. Let us pray to see what HE will accomplished? God bless you.
tcookuabPrayers: 5848Requests: 85
July 30, 2024 at 9:30 amfamily, may He grant you the faith, hope, love for the peace of all things (soul satisfied) for He says receive the Gift of Shalom through faith and surrender to God’s love and grace (His Hearts). Father, thank you for always hearing me, by the power of the lion and the lamb, we ask you for Jesus’ Shalom: 💜 God’s gift of wholeness and completeness, encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. family, know this…for He says in 1 Samuel 12:24, “But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things He has done for you.” As in Psalms and Proverbs, it states to Praise: Morning- His unfailing love; Afternoon- His faithfulness; Night- His justice. Amen 🙏
Zach HartPrayers: 489Requests: 26
July 30, 2024 at 10:43 amPrayers for Megan and her unborn son! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’m lifting them both to Jesus for his care, protection and healing! Praying for all family/friends during this trial! Blessings, Z
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
July 30, 2024 at 10:53 am🙌🙏🙏
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
July 30, 2024 at 11:06 amPraying for a miracle Amen 🙏
elmill1513Prayers: 33Requests: 10
July 30, 2024 at 11:43 amPraying for this sweet family. ❤️
Hands to HeavenPrayers: 2890Requests: 22
July 30, 2024 at 6:23 pm🙏🏻
NewTrix4an0l’d0g!Prayers: 542Requests: 12
July 31, 2024 at 9:48 amAbba, Faithful Papa and Strong Deliverer. We are grieved at what the evil one has brought for harm and we bind his spirit of treachery and deceit against God’s elect Come Holy Spirit and breathe Your breath into Your struggling infant’s lungs. Speak life over Mom’s fears, disappointment and her preeclampsia in the Power that is Yours! In and of my own heart and mind, I am troubled for this new mother, his father and this struggling little man that You have called forth by name, You have set him before he was formed in the darkness of his mother’s womb. We are perplexed and overwhelmed and we know know not what to do; but You o’ God, know all things! You hold the mysteries of all life in Your righteous right hand, and so pursues are upon You, and our hope is forever in You. Heal this baby Abba, Father and restore his Mama’s faith as You give her the desire of her heart. Heal this precious wee-one, in Jesus Name, for HIS is the Name that commands ALL AUTHORITY to ANY AND ALL THINGS THAT EXALTS ITSELF ABOVE THE MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS!! Do as only You can do Papa, we are counting on You and WE HAVE CONE TO EXPECT NOTHING LESS THAN YOUR BEST; A MIRACULOUS HEALING FOR THIS CHILD OF GOD AND HIS PARENTS! May his little self delight You and bring You honor and glory all the days of His long life. We praise and thank You knowing Precious King, that it is already done, Amen and Amen we rejoice at who You are!
mjgleichmanPrayers: 10Requests: 2
July 31, 2024 at 10:54 amPrayed for this family! I have prayed for protection and a full term healthy birth of this dear child and to give peace and rest in the waiting for the mother.
dianasmith2911Prayers: 3Requests: 2
July 31, 2024 at 11:26 amLord, hear our cries for this mom and son. Intervene and heal supernaturally as you so often do. They need you Jesus. Amen.
spiritdoc1Prayers: 51010Requests: 2892
July 31, 2024 at 11:28 pmDo you have an update? Thank you. Still praying🧎♀️➡️🧎🏿♂️➡️🧎➡️🙏🏻🙌
Loving foreverPrayers: 3Requests: 6
August 3, 2024 at 4:16 pmMum and bub still hanging in there trying to make full term. Thanks so much for your prayers
spiritdoc1Prayers: 51010Requests: 2892
August 3, 2024 at 6:56 pmThank you for the update. Still praying🙏🏻🫶
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