Why was my old Way better
james.timaPrayers: 0Requests: 1
June 10, 2019 at 4:10 amI am trying to do good things in life, but it seems that when I didn’t listen or read the Bible I had a better life than I do now. I tried the asking and talking to God but no reply, I think I am just going to go back to doing things my old way since that’s what had worked for me
jroundy99Prayers: 131Requests: 24
June 10, 2019 at 6:10 amDear Lord foil the plans of the enemy in this dear ones life. Help them to see the truth that there is NOTHING good outside of your will. Help them to know your love and sense your presence as they face circumstances that are not what they had hoped for. Help them to know that you have been removed and suffered in all points so you know what they are experiencing. Expose the lies of the evil one who wants them to believe life was better before you. Help them see that you know the struggle, help them trust You and not in outcomes that they think are best. Wrap them in your arms Abba and let them hear your voice. Remember that you are in a spiritual battle, the evil one comes to steal and to destroy. He walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour. Press into the Lord and keep pouring your heart out to Him. He hears you, He loves you, He has a plan for your life. Psalm 84:11 No good thing will He withold from those who walk uprightly. The enemy wants to lie to us just like he lies to Adam and Eve and tell is that God is holding out on us…it’s a lie. God does not hold out on us. Also, as we walk with God He is with us, but He never promised an easy comfortable life. In Proverbs it says there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is destruction. I’m praying friend. I remember one time I was so down and angry and experiencing hard times. I told my wife I was done being a Christian because it wasn’t working. I’m sorry you are facing such hardship, don’t turn back you can trust Him even unto death.
pattysyellowbusPrayers: 5945Requests: 69
June 10, 2019 at 8:22 amThis past week I’ve been pondering:
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.Your prayer request or comment brought it back again, where I wonder how often I’ve stepped off the narrow road because I’ve perceived that life was easier that way. I’m sure the apostles who all but one died a martyr’s death could have gone back to doing life the way they had before they met Jesus: tax collecting, fishing, etc. Life would have been so much easier. They would all have died old and Jesus would have been a great story they told their grandchildren.
The deal for me is how much I allow Jesus to take over my life. Rather than just fitting Jesus into my life – into the little nooks and crannies that I can find time for Him. The truth is that He wants it all or nothing at all.
Many disciples walked away from Jesus when His teaching became too hard for them. And there is a church in Revelation that will be vomited from His mouth because they were neither hot nor cold toward Him.
The Christian life is a battle. No question about it. The fact is life would probably be easier not following Jesus. Not that His commands are grievous or hard but that His commands set us apart from the world and we walk counter culture. We become weird. Or as Peter puts it, “peculiar.”
I will pray James that you find the value in following Christ and no longer waffle between serving God and serving mammon. The reward for serving the latter is temporary whereas serving the former is life abundant forevermore.
gsimoninPrayers: 5621Requests: 43
June 10, 2019 at 10:08 amStanding in agreement with these prayers for James. Lord, You know him intimately and all that has occurred in his life up until now. Strengthen his faith to stay faithful to You, no matter what. Help him take on the stand of a warrior for You, fighting the good fight. And, would You also send him a blessing that he will clearly see is from You – a special little gift. We know You will.
PraiseHimPrayers: 1075Requests: 110
June 10, 2019 at 10:57 amJames, God loves you and wants a relationship with you. It’s not about doing good things, even reading your Bible. He says that those who seek Him will find Him. His Word is true. He is real. He is alive. He is ruling and reigning on high and in the hearts of those who choose to believe and receive Jesus. I pray that for you. You need someone to disciple you, to teach you, to open the scriptures with you and be a part of your life. I’d love to help you find that and get connected with other believers who will walk the walk of faith with you. Email me: janel.holaday@yahoo.com
Father, You love James and long to have a close relationship with him. Holy Spirit lead him. Fill him. Thank You for his post here. I can understand though I’m thankful I don’t relate to it all. I remember speaking to You back when I was 5 and waiting to hear back. I heard nothing. I asked for a sign. I saw nothing. I was sad and think and I cried. Days later You gave the sign I had asked for. I was thrilled and knew You heard me. I told You I’d never question or doubt You again, but I did, time and time again, I’m sure. You know. You understand. I am loved. James is loved. You are love. Oh how I LOVE that!!! Let James hear Your voice and come to know You and Your deep, deep, unending love for him. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
hurtobiasPrayers: 654Requests: 308
June 10, 2019 at 11:15 amFather,
You know how to speak to James in ways that he will recognize, and know that You are God. I praise you that he reached out to his brothers and sisters in DAB. Father, open his eyes and ears to the subtle deceptive lies of the enemy. Let him know that he is free to be the person You created him to be. His life in You is unique. His faith walk and his daily walk in You will also be unique to what You have called him to be. May he draw on the grace You have given him, Lord, to move from desire, through the discipline, to delighting himself in You. May he stay in the Word, in prayer and in community with others who are strong in You in DAB and in his physical place of worship. Draw those to him, Lord, that will build him up in his faith and encourage him along the way. Show him how to operate in the authority he has been given through the victory we have in Jesus Christ. I declare that all deceptive spirits that are tormenting James stop what they are doing right now. James is a child of the Most High. He is redeemed by and washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Satan no longer has authority over his life. Holy Spirit, have Your way in James today. May he hear Your voice, surrender all to You in obedience, and walk free. In Jesus name. Amen.felixculpa723Prayers: 2063Requests: 7
June 10, 2019 at 8:16 pmHeavenly Father , I stand beside this child and declare to you that the author of confusion and doubt about the path ahead for this child is Satan, the king of doubt, confusion and the pathway to death I declare that this child is off limits for Satan because of the blood of Jesus! This child may feel they are wavering, but the ultimate victory is yours, Father God. Guide this young one, Father, so they are not deceived by the enemy. Show them clearly the difference between the appearance of prosperity and the the certainty of death that comes with following the wide path illusively dangled by Satan. Father, save this young one from deception because of the blood of Jesus!
felixculpa723Prayers: 2063Requests: 7
June 18, 2019 at 6:46 pmHeavenly Father, I once again call out James’ name before your throne of mercy and grace. Father, I do not want James to be lost from your eternal kingdom. I pray that you would show him that he is being deceived by the evil one, and that truth is not judged by feelings or transient circumstances. Draw him to you and your eternal truth.
felixculpa723Prayers: 2063Requests: 7
June 21, 2019 at 8:24 pmFather, I return to your throne this night because my heart breaks for this child who is so misguided and so in need of your revelation of your majesty to their dark path. Have mercy on James, and do not allow him to refuse your call on his life.
felixculpa723Prayers: 2063Requests: 7
July 6, 2019 at 8:16 pmFather, I stand in your promise to look to and fro for the one lamb who is lost. We stand in the gap for James. He knows the way, Father. He has merely been deceived by the ways of the world and the lies of the evil one. Precious Lord, pour out your love upon this wayward son, and show him that life with you will meet all of his needs. Reveal yourself to him just as you did to the Apostle Paul on the Damascus Road.
jere.lppPrayers: 309Requests: 2
July 7, 2019 at 8:25 amTruth be told, if the old way was better, you wouldn’t have sought out a new way. You chose something new, stick with it. God isn’t a genie in a bottle that you rub when you want something. He is so much more than that. When adversity comes, take a moment, utter a prayer under your breath and believe. You wanted this change, now seek Him while you can. Continue to listen and read along with the DAB. Expect opposition. But know God’s hand is upon you in it. He will bring you through. Luke 21:19 “in your patient endurance, do you gain your soul.” You are prayed for brother.
rvsecurusPrayers: 2Requests: 1
July 7, 2019 at 9:58 amFather God, You know the thoughts of this one, struggling to trust. I pray this one will grow deep roots so that seeds that have been sown into this soul, cannot be swept away. I pray that this one will not fall away from your truth but will stand, steadfast in the hope of things not seen. Please plant in this one an eternal perspective to understand that trials and struggles on this earth are expected, but temporary. Jesus, remind this one that you suffered through trials and struggles and in doing so that you became our trail blazer, our captain of salvation, who would not leave us in our struggles but who identifies with us exactly where we are. Lord, we know that this world can be difficult. Give this one the courage to endure the race, and run it with patience and persistence knowing that there is a higher calling and a higher prize than this world is able to offer. Grant peace in the middle of difficult circumstances and bring grounded believers to fellowship with this one. Please remind this one that it is often in the silence when you are doing the most work behind the scenes. In the matchless name of Jesus, Amen Matthew 13:18-23 Hebrews 2:10 Hebrews 2:18 John 14:27 Hebrews 12:1-2
gsimoninPrayers: 5621Requests: 43
July 7, 2019 at 12:10 pmContinuing to pray for James today, Lord. We the DAB family gather together to stand in the gap for our brother and bind the attack of the evil one in his life. By the blood of our precious savior, Jesus, we pray the enemy away from James, away from his mind and life. We pray that James not believe the lies of the evil one, who seeks only to destroy him, while You, Lord, seek to give him life. ~gail
e_richar2003Prayers: 53Requests: 2
July 11, 2019 at 8:01 amDear James, Satan is the deceiver of the brethren. He is a liar. If he was clear to see, then no one would be tricked. By your own words, “it seems” like it was better. But, not so James. As you draw to God, God always draws even more to you. He drew you to himself when you weren’t even thinking about him. All of your life, he has guided you right to where you are right now. Living for God isn’t about things working out my way. Living for God is about dying to yourself daily. It is taking up your cross and following him whenever he leads you. I know it’s not easy. But, something about trusting God will bring a peace way down in your soul as you yield him your body and soul. We praise and trust you God for your assurance to James that he is yours and you are his Father. We proclaim that you are God alone and we will trust you. In Jesus Name, Amen.
@whyfollowjesus365Prayers: 123Requests: 9
July 11, 2019 at 11:19 amLord lead James back to read his request. Guide him to his knees to discuss this with you. I ask Lord that you provide a christian man who has crashed and burned and risen from the ashes to provide a godly reality check about JESUS and disciple him on this journey. I thank you for your patience in my own life and forgive me for the times I asked the same question. Bless him, keep him and give James your peace Amen
hello4Prayers: 72Requests: 6
July 11, 2019 at 11:33 amLord, we all understand the seeming “ease” of following the pull of the flesh. Help James to to come to a deep knowledge of your love and to see the lies of the enemy for what they are. Help him to fight the good fight of faith and to not be tricked by the deceitfulness of sin. Let your goodness and the light of your love shine brighter than any of the desires of the flesh.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
gsimoninPrayers: 5621Requests: 43
July 12, 2019 at 9:49 amContinuing to pray for our brother, James that You, Lord would guide his every step. Speak to him and help him listen and obey. Bless his life and give him hope for his future. ~gail
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