Decision re appealing divorce case must be made by tomorrow Aug 25-
npjulia12345Prayers: 2Requests: 3
August 24, 2016 at 3:41 pmHi prayer partners
The judge in our case made several mistakes (relied on wrong numbers) arriving at too little spousal support for too short a time. This is appealable.
In our state, the divorce law requires a witness testify there is no hope for reconciliation and the witness my husband brought said “how would I know, why are you asking me” when he was asked that question. So that element was not met and the judge looked the other way on that as well.
I know we are in a secular court system which is why The SC decided abortion and gay marriage were legal.
I am seeking to hear from the Lord whether to appeal or not…..must file appeal by tomorrow, can withdraw the appeal in the next 30 days. Appealing would take it to the Court of Appeals and my attorneys project a >50% chance of success.
Blessings to you all-katiebeth103Prayers: 8Requests: 4
August 24, 2016 at 11:12 pmI have prayed for you.
npjulia12345Prayers: 2Requests: 3
August 31, 2016 at 12:27 pmThank you katiebeth103; I have been leaning upon the Lord as Proverbs teaches us.
elnissieduconsultPrayers: 88Requests: 41
August 31, 2016 at 1:01 pmHold your peace and see God fight for you & your marriage in Jesus mighty name.
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
September 3, 2016 at 1:11 amContinuing with prayers
jinaferbrownPrayers: 14Requests: 1
September 5, 2016 at 2:15 pmWhether you’ve made your decision to appeal or not, I am praying for you. I pray that you take time with God and let God show you what’s best for your life. Sometimes the financial cost of appealing can get drawn out so long that the money you were fighting for gets sucked up in court costs and fees. The emotional stress of the process is also something to think about— are more months of battling worth that? On the other hand you deserve what is a fair decision. I pray for you. I love you. And I know that divorce is such an awful process that you wouldn’t have put yourself through it if you hadn’t tried everything to save your marriage. God is with you. God loves you.
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