Hurt1ngPrayers: 2Requests: 1
March 11, 2017 at 9:01 amI tried to post this but I messed it up.
Or maybe it is to messed up to be here.Was raised in church.
Saved many times trying to get it right? God always out of reach but mental illness keep it all messed up.Now faith is gone. Can’t make it to believe in God anymore. What is purpose of life. Don’t make sense.
Trying to force it but brain says all religions are just to keep people from freaking out about death. That heaven is a fairy tale.
So hopeless. Don’t understand.
Things were easier with doubts than this atheist thought.
Want to believe but I can’t force the brain there.
Going through the motions but NOTHING MAKES SENSE
I hate this
Is God really there?
Is heaven real
Or do we fail asleep at death and it is over.That is all that makes sense.
Nothing is real.I asked god to help me.
But more messed up and confused.jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
March 11, 2017 at 9:46 amHurting, the fact that your revealing your inner thoughts on the prayer wall is a testament to how much God loves you and is working within you. The Holy Spirit is in you. You are amongst not only a community but a family of God. Browse around gotguestions.org. It can help you tremendously with questions that you have backed up by scripture.
We weren’t just zapped here. God made us in his image. We all have a purpose here. For some it’s big for others it’s small but make no mistake it’s to do Gods work. Every breath we take is Gods way of saying He is not done with us.
Keep praying keep expressing your thoughts here and watch and rejoice in Gods glory.
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 11, 2017 at 12:46 pmDearest Hurt1ing,
Your statement here is your first step towards hope. Our God is the God of love and hope. We walk hill tops and valleys with him. Never feel alone you have a family here ready to pray for you and over my years of prayer I can say I have seen God to many things. But remember he is close to the broken hearted his love for you is amazing, seek him: listen to new songs of worship see how that lifts your soul. Praying nowSheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
March 13, 2017 at 11:59 amDear Hurt1ng,
You are not hopeless! That is a lie from Satan. 2nd God will not give up hope on you, so do not give up on him and fall for the lie of Satan. I am sure if you have been with DAB even for a few weeks you have heard of this guy ” Slave of Jesus” , guess what ! He was an atheist ( Slave of Satan!) and now he is a Child of God ( Slave of Jesus!) He is a testimony of how God can save those who feel hopeless. Look at how God has changed his life. The same God that changed this man’s life is willing to change your life.
The same God that changed Saul’s life ( the great persecutor in the bible) is the same God that is willing to Save you! I tell you what, there is so much potential in you and that is why Satan is doing everything in his power to silence you and make you feel hopeless.
Now I ask that you do not doubt. You ask if God is real? Yes He is real. You and I didn’t just appear here based on the big bang , or just came up spontaneously.. that is what Satan wants you to believe.
Look at yourself in the mirror- You have been beautifully and wonderfully created! There is no one like you ( you are unique) . I pray that the Lord Jesus will set you free from whatever has you bound. You have asked God to help you , now ask God to set you free- He will set you free ( please believe it). Tell him Lord” I need to be free from all these thoughts that make me feel hopeless, I need to know that you are truely who you say you are”
Michaela from GloucesterPrayers: 882Requests: 53
March 13, 2017 at 1:02 pmAmen to all the above
Hurt1ngPrayers: 2Requests: 1
March 18, 2017 at 11:52 pmI don’t think the big bang is how we got here.
There has to be a creator. Architect.I look around and see all the people outside of Christianity. There are beliefs in God but every one says that their was is the only way…..
Every night I fall asleep scared that I won’t wake up and my existence will be over.
Death is beyond stupid. It makes no sense. It is like tossing away a piece of garbage. It has served it’s purpose.The people in my church says that the earth is a few thousand years old. That the dinosaurs lived until the flood…..
It seems like things are twisted to fit the belief….
I am so scared.
Things truly feel hopeless.soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
March 19, 2017 at 6:36 amDear Hurt1ing,
This is what God says to you I am your shield and great reward (Genesis 15:1). Indeed the phrases like do not fear, do not be afraid are seen 365 times, one for each day of the year. God doesn’t want you to worry he wants you to be close to him and know the Joy of that. What I know for your is that nobody can take your personal experiences with God away, I know that those in most need that I have prayed for have got an amazing sense of Gods presence. So continue in prayer and continue to listen to worship songs. I love this song because I think it is about saying God i cant do this life on my own and please come to me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HcnfT4arZtI. I believe when you find songs which you can relate to your spirit will be lifted. I believe also that when people start praying for you you will sense a difference so engage and see, Jesus says search or knock and I will respond (Luke 11:9) I pray that you can feel a sense of Gods peace today and know that he wants you to have joy and I believe that is what you will get from great worship and that will take away other negative emotions.
Hurt1ing there is nothing wrong with you having questions and thinking answers people give you in church dont seem to add up, are they all biblical scholars? Of course not. I am a scientist, the most important lesson I teach students is never stop questioning. But look at a book like A Case for the Creator or A Case for Christ by Lee Stroble he searched for answers in these different ways and will be able to provide a fuller commentary.
Remember what the bible is and what it is not, for instance it is a text which is open to everyone, not just people who have great knowledge in certain domains of science. I believe it is primarily a story of Gods love for us, it is a text which shows us how God wants us to live and therefore be close to him, but also a text which shows the price of sin, so these are some of the things it does. Remember also what it is not, for instance it is not a technical book on how he created the world with equations, exact dates etc. You said that people say the world is 2000 years old, but remember for a thousand years like a day for the Lord (Psalm 90:4) therefore one conclusion is that Genesis was describing the events that occurred in Gods own time. So I believe the reference to 7 days may be reference to ‘God time’ but there are other interpretations. I would focus on questions about Jesus to start with, because it all comes back to the cross. Remember that once we invite God into our life he lives with us in spirit (John 14:20), therefore he can never leave, he will never leave you.Sorry for the length of this, if I can ask you to please continue to talking to us on here, continue to question that is fine and remember the experiences of God can never be taken away by others only God and you will know them. God bless you. Your brother Andy in Christ.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
March 19, 2017 at 4:32 pmPraise God and Amen my brother Andy!! I pray that God in His own way will answer Hurting and make him realize the real truth about this life , death and what lies ahead.
God is good and patient with all of us. He is not done with us yet!
toni.m.08Prayers: 2Requests: 3
March 19, 2017 at 7:09 pmDear Hurting.
It is all real. We are all here to testify. In His time and His way He will show YOU.
God bless you.
Toni Marie
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
April 1, 2017 at 3:15 amDear Hurt1ng,
God has a plan for you, the enemy knows that, so you must understand that Satan will do all he can to stop you being who God wants you to be.God is waiting for you to get close enough to him because of who you are.
God knows what you will do in the future for him and he will bless you for that.
Never stop questioning and pushing forward, keep listening to DAB and worship songs and your soul will be lifted.
I have been praying for you daily and will continue. In Jesus name. Amen.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
April 2, 2017 at 1:15 pmAmen indeed brother Andy .
God has great plants for our brother and I know that one day our brother will Nolonger be termed as Hurting! My prayer is that he one day will be victorious! In Christ.
Amen -
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