✨❤️Please pray for all cancer patients-month 20🙏✨
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
June 6, 2024 at 4:19 amPraying the words of faith from Joyce Meyer’s Devotion as encouragement for our dab siblings on this post. Lord, by faith I pray for healing and peace strength and comfort in Jesus name ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ “The Beauty of Faith – Joyce Meyer Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5 (NKJV) ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ I see more clearly than ever before how simple and beautiful faith is and how self-effort complicates life and steals peace and joy. Man’s mind plans his own way (see Proverbs 16:9), but God’s ways are much higher than ours and they always work better (see Isaiah 55:9). I have finally learned that whenever I feel frustrated, it almost always indicates that I have trusted myself to do what only God can do. It is my signal to return to full faith in God and once again enjoy His peace. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Apart from faith we cannot please God (see Hebrews 11:6), and apart from Him, we can do nothing (see John 15:5). If you are worried or feel burdened by anything, I urge you to let it go and return to simple faith in God without delay. “Commit your way to the Lord” and “He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5). God already has a perfect plan for your situation, and as you rest in Him, He will work! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Prayer of the Day: Father, thank You that You are working in my life while I rest in You. I trust You to do the right thing at the right time. Help me walk in faith at all times, amen.🙏🙏✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Lord Jesus; thank you for your word which is life and health to us. Help us to have beautiful faith that move the mountains ⛰️. Pull down all the strong holds and sicknesses, diseases 🦠 and all cancer ♋️ from among us. Restore our dab siblings to health and give them your shalom in Jesus name. 🙌🙏
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
June 6, 2024 at 11:14 amPraying these encouraging words from Joel Osteen’s devotion. May all the the cancer cells in the bodies of our brothers and sisters who are battling cancer ♋️ die. In Jesus Name, let healthy cells and bones live again as declared. Amen 🙌🙏🙏🙏 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼 “Today’s Scripture He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.” Ezekiel 37:3, NIV 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼 Dead Bones Live the prophet Ezekiel had a vision of a valley filled with dry bones. In Ezekiel’s case, they represented the return of the people of Israel. But they also represent things in our lives that seem dead, dreams that didn’t work out, closed doors. When God asked Ezekiel if he believed the bones could live, He was saying, “What level of faith are you at?” Ezekiel answered back, “O Sovereign Lord.” He was saying, in effect, “God, You control the universe. You can do the impossible.” That was the faith God was looking for. He told Ezekiel to prophesy to those dead bones, and when he did, the bones came back to life. 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼 You may face situations in your health, finances, or relationships that seem impossible. You can stay stuck there with little faith, but as with Ezekiel, great faith is in you. It’s not in your mind or your emotions; it’s in your spirit, and you need to wake it up. Now do your part and get in agreement with God. Prophesy health, victory, breakthrough, and abundance for every need. Dead things are about to come back to life. Great faith brings great favor. 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼 A Prayer for Today “Father, thank You that You have the power to breathe life into the things that seem dead in my life. Thank You that You are taking me from little faith to great faith. I believe that as I speak words of faith, You will make things happen that I could never make happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” JOM
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 6, 2024 at 7:10 pmThank you, GCOGA, for taking the time to share these devotions from Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen! They are so very encouraging and appreciated! May God bless you and your family for being such a faithful servant to Him and His children!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 6, 2024 at 7:15 pmDear Heavenly Father, we bring praise and thanksgiving to Your throne room blessing Your Holy Name for You are the Most High God, Creator of all things in Heaven and on earth! You created us in our mothers’ wombs, and You knew our names before the creation of this world! You knew the plans You had for us before we were even born! You meant for us to have only good, but we live in a fallen world where bad things like cancer happen. But You are faithful to do whatever we need when trials and suffering come our way! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Psalms 139:15-16 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids), Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5/24; has trach tube), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ You not only knitted us in the womb, but You have seen every single day of our lives before even one of them existed. You planned out our lives, but then disease came to the garden and sin entered in. But You had a plan to send Your Beloved Son to earth to show us the way and to die for us, our sins, and our diseases. You make us new every morning because we are the work of Your hands! We know You will not let Your works be destroyed. You will never leave us nor forsake us. You will heal us by Your mighty right hand! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, we thank You for knitting us in our mothers’ wombs and knowing us before You even created the earth! We are amazed by Your creation, Your sovereignty and Your faithfulness. You are all knowing and all seeing, and You love us with an unconditional love that knows no bounds! You know when we are hurting and when we are in despair. Please help us to feel Your presence, and Your healing hand upon us! Praying You give us Your peace, hope, and joy to know that You are truly healing us from the cancer that has invaded our bodies! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
myanchorsurePrayers: 3187Requests: 241
June 6, 2024 at 8:07 pmLORD God, thank You for sending JESUS to save us, heal us, deliver us, and to make us whole spirit, soul, and body. We pray for those fighting their battle with the curse of cancer that was was never to be a part of Your original Creation. Yet by the fall of man Your perfect order of things became tainted with sin, which exposed Your greatest Creation (mankind)to the curse of sin, sickness, and death. Still through Your mercy, and through Your great love for us, You thought ahead and made it so sin, sickness and disease, and even spiritual death could be canceled through faith in the Name, and in the shed blood🩸of Your One and only Son JESUS CHRIST. LORD God, by the sacrifice of JESUS, we pray healing over everyone in need of healing of cancer. Let healing flow from the cross✝️ where our dear Savior purchased us back from our sinful sick rebellious selves… In our “Caring Shepherd’s” Name. Amen! 💞
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 6, 2024 at 8:30 pmThank you, my dear brother myanchorsure, for posting your beautiful prayer! God has known all of us and our struggles from the beginning of time. Yet He always has a plan for us to come out victorious over them! God bless you and your beautiful bride for your faithfulness and dedication to this prayer wall! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
June 7, 2024 at 10:41 amMost Gracious GOD;🙌🙏For Your Name is HOLY HOLY LORD!! I thank You Abba for the power in Your Name and Your word. 📕 📖 Our names are written in the book 📚 of life forever. 🙌🙏Amen. Please lord visit and bring miraculous healing and supernatural intervention of Wholeness and wellness to all our siblings lifted to You. Praying these promises over each and all of them. Amen 🙏 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🙏 Promise of Blessing from Genesis 12:2-3 A Promise of Renewal from Isaiah 40:31 A Promise of Strength from Psalm 18:39 A Promise of Peace from Philippians 4:6-7 A Promise of Restoration from Joel 2:25 A Promise of Life from 1 Thessalonians 4:13🎉🙏
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 7, 2024 at 3:12 pmSuch a beautiful prayer, dear GCOGA! Thank you for posting the promises of God. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated! God bless you!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 7, 2024 at 3:33 pmDear Father in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name for You are our Hope in time of hopelessness! We are battling against many different kinds of cancer, the pain associated with them, and the untoward side effects of the treatments for it. Sometimes it even feels like our worlds are crumbling all around us, and our hearts are fading. We can feel like we are being ravaged by the enemies down to the marrow in our bones. Some days are so overwhelming, we lose hope, faith and trust. Hope is based on the belief that things will get better, but sometimes it seems like things just keep getting worse. Even as Your beloved children, it can be easy to fall into fear and hopelessness. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying 1 Peter 1:3-4 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24),, Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5/24; has trach tube), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ We know despair is nothing new, and neither is the answer. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we are able to be born new and are not defined by a false hope, but by Your living hope! Even though we fight battles against cancer now, we can still rejoice in the goodness You have promised us. In the darkness of our valley, You have told us there is hope, and that hope is in Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, we thank You that no matter what challenges we may have from our battles against cancer, we are assured that there is a reason for the hope within us. As we pray, we hold onto the hope of Jesus and ask You make our light shine from this hope for others to see! Thank You, Lord, for healing our hearts, our souls and the cancers through the power of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection! Having this assurance, we can now have the hope that destroys hopelessness and despair every time! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
tcookuabPrayers: 5586Requests: 84
June 7, 2024 at 5:42 pmI choose three names: Nancy, Evan and Noah…. family, 🙌 Just know: His name is Holy and Awesome…In the name of Jesus, may no one test them ‘ for the time of the Lords Favor’ has come- we Thank God for them, they don’t ignore justice nor the love of God, our Heavenly Father. We believe “There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy.…” Luke 11:42, James 4:12, Luke 4:19. If God is willing, may they have The spirit of divinity!! The spirit of divinity refers to the essence of God’s nature and character, expressing His divine attributes and perfections. It’s the spirit of God’s majesty, holiness, and glory, manifesting His divine presence and power. The spirit of divinity comes from: · God’s eternal and unchanging nature (Psalm 90:2, Malachi 3:6) · The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’s unity and cooperation (Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14) · God’s creative and redemptive work (Genesis 1:1-3, Colossians 1:15-20) · The revelation of God’s divine character through Scripture and Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3, John 14:9) The spirit of divinity brings: · Awe and reverence for God’s majesty (Psalm 95:6, Isaiah 6:1-5) · Understanding of God’s holiness and righteousness (Isaiah 6:1-5, Hebrews 10:1-14) · Awareness of God’s presence and power (Psalm 139:7-12, Luke 4:36) · Transformation into God’s divine image (2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 1:3-4) The spirit of divinity is a beautiful expression of God’s glory and majesty, revealing His divine nature and character to us! We pray in His love and mercy through our Lords’ mighty, Amen 🙏
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 8, 2024 at 10:42 pmThank you so much for your post, dear tcookuab! May God’s blessings pour down upon you as you lift up our beloved siblings! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 8, 2024 at 10:52 pmDear Father in Heaven, we come to You with praise in our hearts and thanksgiving on our lips for You love us, listen to us and comfort us during our battles against cancer! In Your perfect timing and in Your perfect way, You will heal us! We believe this to be true in our hearts, minds and souls. But even knowing and believing this truth, there are times when we have difficulty reaching out to You and relying totally upon You. So many people try to be helpful telling us, “You just need to do this, or you need to say that to the Lord.” They make it sound so simple, but honestly, it can be very difficult. Some days, it’s hard to keep fighting our battles against cancer, hard to admit that we can’t get through this alone, and even harder to release everything to You. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Psalms 27:8 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me,’ and my heart responds, ‘Lord I am coming.”‘ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24),, Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5/24; has trach tube), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Your word tells us that we should come to You with everything, but sometimes it is hard to talk when we don’t know what to say. There are times when we are so overwhelmed, so tired, so sad. But then the Holy Spirit helps us begin to whisper the painful words, asking difficult questions, and begging for healing and peace in our despair from cancer. Our hearts begin to become less fearful, and we can actually feel You guiding us back home where we belong. You have heard us and listened to our pleas. We know we are never alone. You love us, You comfort us and You give us what our hearts need! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, we thank You for never leaving us even if we turn our backs on You! Please help us remember that You are always with us even when we can’t feel You. Continue to guide our steps and our medical teams’ handiwork as we walk with You down this journey battling cancer and waiting for Your divine healing! Remind us to always talk to You even if we don’t know what to say for You have given us Your Holy Spirit to live inside us and to understand our groanings. Thank You for loving us unconditionally, listening to us and comforting us through this most difficult and painful time of our lives! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
June 9, 2024 at 3:24 amEternal; Invisible; Holy God; Wise Omnipotent; Ancient of Days; Immortal, Sacred and Mighty God; thank you for the gift of life on this holy day. It is only those whom You have chosen and decided to keep alive that are witnessing this new morning. Both the saved and unsaved are kept alive by You. Both the healthy and the sick 🤢 You have allowed to see another day so thank You Abba Father Loving, Kind, Compassionate, Worthy of all our praise 💫🌈 Holy God; Righteous and Mighty. Today, I praise and adore 🥰 You; I worship You in the beauty of holiness. I bow in humble Adoration ABBA Father. 🙏Praying these promises over my dab siblings listed here 🙌🙏🙏 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ A Promise of Blessing from Genesis 12:2-3 A Promise of Renewal from Isaiah 40:31 A Promise of Strength from Psalm 18:39 A Promise of Peace from Philippians 4:6-7 A Promise of Restoration from Joel 2:25 A Promise of Life from 1 Thessalonians 4:13. Amen 🙏 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Lord Jesus, please fulfil the words of healing over all our dabbers who are fighting the battle of their lives with cancer ♋️ in this post in the name of Jesus Christ our lord Amen. 🙏 and praying according to Jeremiah 17:14 “Heal me, O LORD, and let me be healed; Save me, and let me be saved” Amen 🙏 Abba, please cover all our siblings fighting cancer ♋️ with your wings; May they be safe in Your care; May Your faithfulness protect and defend them Amen 🙏 Thank You for open heavens to all our prayers. Amen 🙏
GCOGAPrayers: 18276Requests: 1404
June 9, 2024 at 3:55 amThank you His.Debbie for your commitment and humility in praying for all our siblings. You are a blessing to us. Your prayers and love for all our dabbers who are fighting is appreciated. I wish I have the right words to say to you. God knows it and He will bless you. I am going to be away from the Prayer wall for a little while but will be praying continuously for all our siblings. It is going to be a very busy time and I will be spending time with the Z-tribe at their Convention. thank you again for being a steady support through your prayers love and wisdom. God bless you. Sending love 💕 and prayers. Amen 🙏
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 9, 2024 at 1:55 pmOh, thank you, dear GCOGA, for your kind words. The Lord put this desire in my heart when you were fighting your own battle against cancer (which He made you victorious). Praise the Lord! I have never experienced the pain and suffering of cancer in my or my family’s life, but have lost family members to other long-term illnesses such as COPD, heart, diabetes and kidney failure. As the list of names continues to grow, my heart is renewed everyday to continue to pray for our brothers, sisters and their families. I am humbled and grateful for you and all those who post or pray privately their prayers and support of God’s children who are going through this difficult journey. May God bless all of you! We will miss your presence on the prayer wall this week, dear GCOGA! We will be praying for travel mercies and divine intervention in your grandchildren’s presentations and desires to hold office! To God be the glory forever and ever! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 9, 2024 at 2:07 pmDear Heavenly Father, hallowed be thy name for You are the Lord of breakthrough! In the Bible, there are many stories of Your redemption, love and character that we can depend upon even today. Your ways are so much higher than ours, the fight of faith is so much deeper than our fight against cancer. The battle we face everyday is to trust You and believe for the impossible. We are always going to need breakthrough in our lives no matter what our circumstances are! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Matthew 19:26 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24), Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), Kenni (pancreatic cancer; had 12 rounds of chemo; now taking radiation and chemo pill 6/8/24; nausea and pain extremely high), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5/24; has trach tube; surgery slated for 6/14/24), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Our fights, trials, and hardships will continue as long as we are on this side of glory. But until that day, we can hold onto the promise of Jesus in Matthew 19, “But take heart I have overcome the world.” So as we walk through this valley fighting cancer, we pray that You will stir our faith so we can believe for Your mercy, grace and healing!Help us to never forget what You have already done and never forget Who You are. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, we thank You for being our Breakthrough! It isn’t just something You do, it is Who You are! Help us not to be discouraged during our difficult days battling cancer. But fill us with Your hope of Your breakthrough in our lives! All praise and glory will be Yours, and we will share our gratitude and testimonies with everyone who will listen! We will always remember where our help comes from, and will praise Your Holy Name! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 10, 2024 at 6:05 pmDear Abba Father, we humbly enter Your presence with praise and thanksgiving for You give us the endurance to overcome our struggles against cancer! David, the man after Your own heart, had to endure many struggles in his lifetime. After Samuel anointed him, he spent many years fleeing and hiding from Saul or he would have been killed. David lamented to You during this time while holding onto the hope that You could and would protect him until the right time came to become king. David’s laments let him express his grief, his cries for justice, and his remembrances of Your Holiness. He focused on Your faithfulness which reminded him of Your agape love, unsurpassed power, and utmost mercy. Knowing about Your character helped David hold onto hope, and it will help us through our struggles with cancer today! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Psalm 59:16 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24),, Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), Kenni (pancreatic cancer; had 12 rounds of chemo; now taking radiation and chemo pill 6/8/24; nausea and pain extremely high), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5; has trach tube; surgery slated for 6/14/24), Sue (unspecified cancer), Mike (given 6 months; going to Mexico to find treatment), Matt (brain tumor; home with caregivers; needs to eat and drink better; salvation; rest for him and family), gruvers5 (stage-4 breast cancer; tumors shrinking 3/14; another scan due 6/14/24), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ David talked honestly with You which let him see that even though his situation wasn’t good, You were worthy of being worshiped. David believed that You were still in control, and he would one day see Your promises fulfilled. The struggles David went through made him stronger and prepared him for his future purpose. Even though his circumstances were painful, You were faithful. And we know You can and will be faithful with our lives and our struggles against cancer. You have always been our stronghold, You are our stronghold at this very moment, and You always will be our stronghold forever. You are our Hope! We also place our hope in Your beloved Son, Jesus, for He is constantly advocating on our behalf. That’s why, no matter what cancer we face, we can hold onto one hope that Jesus can and will turn our struggles and our sorrows into something for our good and His glory!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, thank You for Your power and strength! You are mighty and worthy to be praised! When we feel overwhelmed, You support us. When we feel discouraged, You encourage us. When we feel hopeless and alone, You surround us and protect us. We will praise You because You are our source of strength, and You are our fortress! Nothing is impossible for You! You are for us, so what or who could be against us? We emphatically and loudly proclaim: “nothing and no one”! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️
Don’t pass me byPrayers: 131Requests: 61
June 11, 2024 at 1:03 pmMabel bone marrow cancer is now in remission, we thank you for answer to prayer PTL amen!! Bri with cervical is on her way to recovery, her tumours have began to shrink and we thank God for what He is doing, in her life. Thank you all as we continue to Pray!! Alleluia God the Father, we thank you for many answered prayers. PTL
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 11, 2024 at 2:55 pmOh, how you have brightened this day with such wonderful and beautiful news! Thank you so much for sharing your updates about your friends’ journeys, dearest don’t pass me by! To God go all the glory! His is able and mighty to save spiritually and physically! Praising His Holy Name!!! God bless you, sweet sibling, as well as your friends, Bri and Mabel! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
lbarone53Prayers: 75Requests: 51
June 11, 2024 at 4:06 pm🙏🙏🙏
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 11, 2024 at 4:14 pmDear Heavenly Father, we come together into Your presence praising Your Holy Name! You are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all things we ask or pray for in our lives especially during our journey with You against the evil called cancer! You are able to do the impossible because what is impossible for us is not impossible for You! You are the Creator of all the Universe. You made Heaven Your throne and the Earth Your footstool. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Ephesians 3:20 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for all the cancer patients previously listed as well as those newly added this month: Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24), Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), Kenni (pancreatic cancer; had 12 rounds of chemo; now taking radiation and chemo pill 6/8/24; nausea and pain extremely high), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5; has trach tube; surgery slated for 6/14/24), Sue (unspecified cancer), Mike (given 6 months; going to Mexico to find treatment), Matt (brain tumor; home with caregivers; needs to eat and drink better; salvation; rest for him and family), gruvers5 (stage-4 breast cancer; tumors shrinking 3/14; another scan due 6/14/24), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ You restore our hope and our expectations as we lean into You during the struggles we face from our cancer battles. You carry out Your purpose for our lives and do far above and beyond all that we ask or think. You are the Creator of our destinies, and You know the plans for our lives. You carry us through the valley and desert we are going through. You lift us up when we are weak and when we are weary. You even carry us to the other side when the storms and rising winds from our battles become too much for us to bear! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, we thank You for Your love, kindness and healing! We thank You for doing so much more than we even ask, think, or imagine. We thank You for exceeding our wildest dreams, thoughts, and expectations. Please help us to keep our faith burning strong. Please restore our health to what it was before and make it even better than it was before cancer invaded our bodies. Please help us to renew our faith in You and our belief in Your everlasting power. Please continue to do Your work within us and show us Your purpose for our lives! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
NewTrix4an0l’d0g!Prayers: 530Requests: 12
June 11, 2024 at 5:44 pmPraying for the caregivers, spouses, children, siblings and extended families of all those carefully listed by His.Debbie, that are going through cancer today. Holy Spirit come, I ask for your continued strength and blessings over the doctors, nurses, researchers and unnamed medical staff, that are equally important in caring for the sick and the suffering. Oh what a toll Abba, this must exact on those in medicine! I ask for Your Holy Spirit to minister to their limitations, their burdens and ask for you to dispel any feelings of inadequacy that surely must arise as they grapple with their own humanity in the loss of their patients. Protect their hearts from hardening in the light of their own strength, and I ask that You minister to them through the gift of salvation, sacrificed for all in Jesus. Hold your children going through this collectively, firmly in Your strength. I praise and thank You, that nothing is ever wasted in Your plan, but it is ordained with a purpose and authored by Your Divine Spirit for all whom are touched by it, will bear witness to Your sovereign grace and Your mercy, from everlasting to everlasting. We are comforted in knowing we are precious in Your sight and that we all want the same thing, for those who are suffering to be delivered, and for all who are lost to be given Your gift of repentance, so that none should perish, but all will say “Yes, My Lord,” and have everlasting life, in the Name of Jesus. Let it be done for all of us, according to Your perfect plan and will for our lives… for it is already written! Amen and amen❤️🙏🏻
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 12, 2024 at 8:11 pmAmen and amen, dear Newtrix4an0l’d0g! Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer! We have a tendency to forget about the people behind the scenes, but our Lord and Savior sees them. I come into agreement with you that He bless everyone in all aspects of cancer treatment to be given His peace, wisdom and strength to continue their efforts in their fight against cancer! God bless you mightily! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 12, 2024 at 8:40 pmDear Abba Father, we enter Your presence with praise, worship and thanksgiving for You are forever thinking about us! You not only know our thoughts, but You think about us night and day. Your thoughts are true and very precious to us. They are like gemstones and other valuable treasures that we search for. When we find them, we grab hold of them, think about them and want to share them with others. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Psalm 139:17-18 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for all the cancer patients previously listed as well as those added this month: Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24), Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; two daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), Kenni (pancreatic cancer; had 12 rounds of chemo; now taking radiation and chemo pill 6/8/24; nausea and pain extremely high), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5/24; has trach tube; surgery slated for 6/14/24), Sue (unspecified cancer), Mike (given 6 months; going to Mexico to find treatment), Matt (brain tumor; home with caregivers; needs to eat and drink better; salvation; rest for him and family), gruvers5 (stage-4 breast cancer; tumors shrinking 3/14; another scan due 6/14/24), “don’t pass me by’s” friend-Bri (cervical cancer; metastasized to stomach, chest and lung; on her way to recovery; tumors are shrinking 6/11/24!), lynxchia’s husband (rare form of cancer; 3 preteen children; radiation and chemo tx since 2020; MRI shows new growth on spinal cord; in hospital with high fever and delirium from strong chemo 6/11/24), and all cancer patients who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Your thoughts are precious to us, and so vast and innumerable that we would never be able to count them all! Your thoughts are much higher than ours! We wonder why You would even want to think about us this way. But Your love is higher than ours, and we just cannot comprehend it all. Your plans for us are always good, and even though we are suffering through our battles against cancer, we know You will use them for our good! We believe You will bring healing into our lives at Your perfect time and in Your perfect way! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, thank You for Your loving thoughts You have about us! Thank You that they are so numerous we could never count all of them! We are humbled by Your love for we know we are not worthy. We are so grateful for You giving us Your mercy, grace, healing and love through Christ’s shed blood! Help us open our eyes to the wonders and the miracles You are performing in our lives! Reveal Yourself in Your Word to us so that we may know You more intimately! Thank You for guiding us, always being with us and constantly thinking about us! Please help us to spend more time thinking about You! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨ ♥️♥️♥️
His.debbiePrayers: 6329Requests: 76
June 13, 2024 at 11:51 amDear Heavenly Father, we come together to praise Your Holy Name for there is nothing that is impossible for You! You are the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth. You know how every cell works in every living thing. So when cancer invades our bodies and they do not function the way they should, You know exactly how to heal them, no matter what! You are the architect, the engineer, the designer of all. So when the doctors’ reports say no way, You say way! With You, all things are possible! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Praying Matthew 19:26 over all Your children today and always, dear Lord, especially those battling cancer: “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please hear our prayers and do not ignore our petitions, dear LORD, for Mike (on chemo; given two years to live), mix11015scott’s uncle Ronnie (stage 4 cancer), David in NH (colon cancer; starting chemo again after 10 years; new daddy), Diane (colon cancer & metastasized throughout; 3 adult children’s salvation), Jaxson (leukemia; finishing 5th grade; been fighting cold for 2 weeks; mom-Ansley is feeling anxious), Jennifer’s dad (battling blood cancer for 3rd time), Julie (battling for 8 years; walking away from mainstream in faith), Bill (pancreatic cancer; Whipple surgery 5/30/24), Misty Weber (stage 4 colon cancer), georgieb1’s friend (late stage prostate cancer), Nyda (pancreatic cancer; in hospital; has liver damage and other health issues), Eva (esophageal cancer), Donna (colon cancer), Dan (severe cancer came back; going to Cleveland Clinic; needs salvation), Mark (unspecified cancer; father of WI Lauren’s friend; no hope from worldly doctors; needs salvation), trishmoorelaw (breast cancer; underinsured; overwhelmed), Justin (stage 4 cancer; in ER on 6/4/24; diagnosed last week), Irene (struggling with side effects of chemo; needs peace and strength), Sherri (colon cancer; husband Bob; two daughters Crystal and Brittany), Linda (bone cancer; also found in lungs and brain; needs strength & encouragement to fight), Dave from CO (stage 4 soft tissue sarcoma; 2 teenaged kids; in hospital w/pneumonia), Kenni (pancreatic cancer; had 12 rounds of chemo; now taking radiation and chemo pill 6/8/24; nausea and pain extremely high), Mike C. (esophageal cancer; in hospital 6/5/24; has trach tube; surgery slated for 6/14/24), Sue (unspecified cancer), Mike (given 6 months; going to Mexico to find treatment), Matt (brain tumor; home with caregivers; needs to eat and drink better; salvation; rest for him and family), gruvers5 (stage-4 breast cancer; tumors shrinking 3/14; another scan due 6/14/24), “don’t pass me by’s” friend-Bri (cervical cancer; metastasized to stomach, chest and lung; on her way to recovery; tumors are shrinking 6/11/24!), lynxchia’s husband (rare form of cancer; 3 preteen children; radiation and chemo tx since 2020; MRI shows new growth on spinal cord; in hospital with high fever and delirium from strong chemo 6/11/24), Jewel (having surgery 6/13/24 to have cancerous tumor removed from stomach), and all cancer patients who were posted earlier and for those who we don’t know their names, but You do! Bless them, their families and friends with Your peace that is beyond all understanding as You guide them down the journey they are traveling. By Your stripes, they are healed! In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Please don’t let our fears cause us to forget that with You all things are possible. Don’t let our fears keep us believing the negative reports of the doctors. Jeremiah said that nothing is too hard for You; nothing is impossible for You. Ecclesiastes says there’s nothing new under the sun. For You know what we have need of before we even ask. Our needs were known to You before the earth was formed. You saw us struggling with our cancer battles before we were born, but You have had a plan all along because Your ways are greater than our ways! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oh Lord, we thank You that our pleas and prayers cannot take You by surprise for You know all things, You see all things, and You hear all things. Our petitions cannot overwhelm You because Your ways are greater than ours! Please continue to strengthen us, lead us, and give us the courage to do what we have to do. Thank You for giving us everything we need so that we can be victorious in our battles against cancer! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen! 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️✨✨✨♥️♥️♥️
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