Gender issues
rrrmetcalfPrayers: 4Requests: 2
October 20, 2020 at 1:39 amPlease pray for a young girl I know who lives in foster care and is struggling with gender identity. She has had so much heartbreak in her life and does not know Jesus. She now wants to be called a boy name, go by he, and wears boys clothes. It’s very sad.
missmena2Prayers: 142Requests: 9
October 20, 2020 at 2:19 amHeavenly Father you are our creator and know each of us from the very depths of our soul. Lord you know this young girl, you know her struggles and her pain. You know her heart and her struggles. Lord I pray clarity over her tonight, I pray you will open a door that will help her to deal with the hardships of her life and help her to understand who you created her to be and the purpose you have placed within her. We entrust her to you Lord. In Jesus name, love her and work in her life, bless her in abundance.
shalashPrayers: 2Requests: 3
October 20, 2020 at 5:21 amLord you know this girl, and all young people who struggle with Gender identity. Thank you that we can pray your Word in there lives Jeremiah 31:21-22 ” please set up signposts for all who are confused believing a lie…. Bring them back to your word, your will… Who you’ve made them to be,” Come back dear virgin Israel….” Name of young lady – thank you Lord for doing a new thing in our children’s lives – a Transformed woman will embrace the transforming God” praying and trusting Jesus to help, heal, save and deliver -! Amen – Susara in SA
dchesterPrayers: 32Requests: 2
October 20, 2020 at 5:31 amFather, you knit us in the womb and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are also made in your image. I claim all of these truths from your word and pray them over this young girl. I pray that you will bind all spirits of confusion that are surrounding her and claim any territory that has been given in this area. In the name of Jesus, I pray that this young girl would set free of all these desires and that you would bring people into her life that would not bring condemnation but your love, your counsel and wisdom and share your truth and promises. Make yourself known to her this morning.
goingupsoonPrayers: 20098Requests: 1132
October 20, 2020 at 10:42 amFather, Lifting this young girl to Your throne of grace, and mercy. Move mightily in her life we pray. And break the enemies bands. Your promise is that our children would come back to their own border. Je. 31:16,17. Take what the enemy has meant for evil, and turn it around for her good. Turn the confusion, back on his head. Lord, break the enemies jaw. Restore right thinking to her, a mind that thinks with clarity. A heart that fears the Lord. and a spirit that follows hard after You.
We pray, in Jesus name. Amen!
Beloved💓Daughter of the King TennesseePrayers: 104Requests: 4
October 20, 2020 at 5:49 pmFather we come against this demon spirit that trying to take over this child mind, body and soul. We pleat the blood over her and we thank you for intervening on this situation with the love of God being shown to her. And she receive it. Amen
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