Husband left: protect him, protect us
Jenn3125Prayers: 3Requests: 3
August 11, 2017 at 3:06 amPlease join me in praying for my husband and our marriage. He has been unsatisfied in the bedroom (my fault… I struggle with lack of desire). He felt uncared for as he was very sick for a couple weeks and I was busy with work and our sick toddler and didn’t do a good job nursing him back to health. I really didn’t. He has been upset for a few days and irritable and I haven’t be gracious but have nagged and complained. He left today for at least a 4 day hiatus, he wasn’t sure when he would be back. He has a history of his weakness is with his sexual desire and the devil has tempted him before to the point of major sin. Please pray with me that we both humble ourselves during this time but that God strengthens him not to stumble and do something against Gods will. Give me strength while he is away and give me peace and humility. Help restore our marriage and improve our communication both in and out of the bedroom. Thank you for your prayers.
stssjjPrayers: 16Requests: 1
August 11, 2017 at 3:32 amPraying that you will be strong and your husband will own his behavior and seek repentance and forgiveness.
You have every right to expect fidelity. Be careful about taking all the blame here. Relationships run in both directions.
Hopefully you have support as you work through these issues including how you both can fill each other’s needs within the bounds of your marriage.
Your DAB family is here to love you and pray for you.
StevensoundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
August 11, 2017 at 5:08 amDear Sister Jenn,
Amen Brother Steven.
Satan uses weaknesses to get a foothold. I would love my wife without ever needing something in particular from her. Remember the word ‘husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for it’ (Ephesians 5:25). I am not saying it is wrong to desire that in a relationship but what I am saying is dont be too hard on yourself. My prayer is that he returns and that you both are able to come together more giving to each other and forgiving each other more. Praying now. God bless you. Your brother Andy in Christ. -
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