April 24, 2017 at 10:14 am
My name is Ken in St. Joseph, MI praying for Matthew in Springhill, TN. His father, John, has multiple myeloma and is getting ready for a BMT soon. I also have MM, have had a donor transplant, and can assure you, your mom, and your 3 siblings that whatever God takes you through, you and your father have the greatest blessing available in watching all kinds of things fall into place. Bad things happen. We live in a fallen world. The miracle is having peace and joy today as we deal with the bad that is happening, when we connect the dots on what some people attribute to chance or coincidence to God Himself working out all things for His Glory. God is working step by step, arrangement by arrangement, every moment of each day. There are no accidents. God makes things good as the bad occurs. When we see that, give Him praise for it, we are filled with peace, joy and hope. Not to mention how it blows our mind to see things “fall into place” regardless if it’s the answer we were looking for.