My child has COVID
sbeasley2901Prayers: 6Requests: 3
August 17, 2021 at 10:19 pmMy 13 year old son has COVID. I am a single parent of three children and this is the first time any of my kids have had COVID. I know the Lord says to not be afraid, but as a parent, I have to admit I am a bit nervous. He is in good health and should be fine. However anyone knows if you are a parent, you tend to play the what if game in your head sometimes. All the things you know are true about God, just vanish and you start worrying about one thing and then it turns into multiple things. Please pray that my son gets well and I learn how to trust God during the quarantine as its only day 1 of it. Thank you DAB family.
spiritdoc1Prayers: 50736Requests: 2878
August 17, 2021 at 10:21 pmPraying alongside with you🙏🏻
goingupsoonPrayers: 20098Requests: 1132
August 18, 2021 at 1:53 amLoving heavenly Father, we cover Your daughter with our prayers. We ask LORD, that You heal her son. And that she, and no one else in her family gets sick. We pray believing that we have the petitions that we desire of You, In JESUS NAME. Amen! 💓
jodinapizzutoPrayers: 3Requests: 3
August 18, 2021 at 4:11 amHeavenly Father, I ask that you would cover your child with your grace and mercy – comfort this beautiful parent and let them know that You are in control. Release them from the grip of fear and let them walk fully in Your peace. I also ask that you will send your healing power into this household and allow full and quick recovery from all illness. In Christ Jesus name, Amen.
bzheart2uPrayers: 721Requests: 55
August 22, 2021 at 10:22 ampraying 🙏❤️
candaceweberPrayers: 3Requests: 2
August 22, 2021 at 12:48 pmpraying for you in faith
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