Need a miracle
CC1966Prayers: 7Requests: 11
May 18, 2018 at 10:49 amI wish I had the strength to go into detsil, but my heart is heavy and i am exhausted. My husband has a commission-only sales job. We have been depending on family members for help, but we can’t keep doing that. We both need jobs that pay a salary, as soon as possible. I do voice work from home, but it’s either feast or famine… Mostly family. Please pray for us. We have child support payments that we also need to keep up for his kids, I did have a decent-paying job, but they let me go for no reason other than they decided to go in a New Direction. Please pray for us. I don’t want to be scared but I am
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
May 18, 2018 at 2:42 pmIn the moments when you have time in your day be still, rest and wait on him, in those moments just wait and invite him in. I pray his peace will rest with you. His eyes have not left the spot where you are, he has gone before you to prepare a way. What looks one way will turn out another way. He is Good, he will not let the righteous come to ruin, but in this time and in the moments reach out with your whole heart because he will meet you.
Dear Lord Jesus,
With your power of love cast out fear, with a mighty hand clear a path and make a way. Please let our sister trust in you and in this trust bring forth good things, like a plant that bears its fruit when given the right conditions, please give our sister these conditions to prosper. Please help her bring all her needs, hurts and emotions to you; please take them and pour back love and may she praise your name in the days to come as you move for her and her husband. Amendlponder2005Prayers: 246Requests: 41
May 18, 2018 at 3:46 pmThank you Father that my Sister in Christ chooses to; “Praise Him and in all ways seek Him this moment and invite Him into every moment focusing on the good that indeed surrounds her.” Thank you Father that my Sister is a masterpiece, is indeed one of a kind, made by your hand and in your image. Thank you Father that she chooses to speak Praise to you in every breath you give her this day. Thank you Father that she is a child of the most high God as she chooses to believe your Word that Lives inside her and “fears you Father”. Thank you that she chooses your Perfect Will Father and not her will this day. Thank you Father that you have made the best path for her and are guiding her to it with every choice she chooses this moment. Thank you Father for the closed doors that you close to push her onto the best path you have already made for her. Thank you Father for the open doors that keep her moving forward with you Living and growing inside her on that path you made best for her. Reaching the set points you have placed on that path. Shaping her, making her, molding her and preparing her, lifting her higher as she reaches each set point all in your Perfect Will as she chooses your Will, not her will, reaching the destiny you framed her life in all for the purpose of Glorifying your Name and furthering your Kindom in and through the miracle and blessing she is, made by your hand and saved by your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Living God. Amen
briggsderonPrayers: 41Requests: 0
May 19, 2018 at 1:25 amPraying for my sister in Christ who is so heavy laden that YOU will provide her rest in these very difficult situations . Praying that you will provide and stabilize them with financial prosperity as soon as possible . Please also bestow upon her the Blessed assurance to overcome the fear she is feeling that comes from the enemy . By the power of the blood of Jesus I entrust this all into YOUR hands Lord .
pilly1356Prayers: 846Requests: 3
May 19, 2018 at 2:18 amAmen to the wisdom and prayers above. May God provide for all your needs. When I lived through times of great financial uncertainty, the following verse helped me move from fear to faith. Matthew 6:25-34. I read it every morning and found it so reassuring.
jlewis910Prayers: 89Requests: 11
May 19, 2018 at 7:08 amDear friend whenever there is a need or crises in our lives… that is when we need to praise our way through difficult circumstances!!!!Please go to YouTube and listen closely to this anointed song by Patrick Dopson-Keep Me…You will hear a song called …”Jesus you’re my Strong Tower”. Copy the words and make this song your peace anthem! Believe me God has a Blessing with your Name on it…claim it and you will receive your blessings… in the name of Jesus!!! Amen.
ShirleyDPrayers: 1076Requests: 2
May 19, 2018 at 2:43 pmFather in heaven, Help this couple to be victorious in this trial. May their lips praise you as you guide them along. May their eyes be only on you. Bless all those who have helped them. Show them favor with a new employer or with the old. In Jesus name
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
May 19, 2018 at 9:41 pmDear father , Please make a way for this family . The burden is so heavy and I sense it . Please help them . In Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏
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