Prayer Requests
jonathan.l.abbottPrayers: 0Requests: 1
February 28, 2017 at 6:03 amJust started listening to DAB, and the community of prayer is so impressive. God has laid on my heart to ask for prayer for a couple of things, one for myself and one for a friend.
First, for my friend Misti, her son has really gotten into a lot of trouble with some stupid, teenage choices. Pray that she will have the strength to navigate these situations, the peace from God to stay the course through them, and pray that her son and daughter will both be strong in this, do what is right, and be able to navigate all the aspects of this issue.
Then, for me I’d request prayer for strength and salvation from my addiction to pornography and sexual sin. I’ve struggled with both for years, and have failed every time I’ve tried to fix the issue myself. Give me the humility to depend on God for help in this and the strength to follow His guidance and help when he gives it.
Thank you for your prayers in advance
Michaela from GloucesterPrayers: 882Requests: 53
February 28, 2017 at 8:54 amWelcome Jonathan! 🙂
Praying for Misti and her son & daughter.
Father God please be at work in this situation and in this family. We pray that they would be seeking you. We pray for wisdom and guidance. We pray for strength to follow through and stick to the best course of action. We pray for peace. Please bless this family Lord. In Jesus’ name, AmenPraying for you and freedom addiction and persistent sin.
Father God I lift up my brother to you. May he seek you first. Please be turning his mind and his heart from this addiction. Please be leading him to people and resources that will help him fight this addiction and make a permanent change. May he rely on you Lord. Give him the strength he needs. In Jesus’ name, AmenI have my own addictions I’m fighting with God’s help. I still relapse on occasion, but God still loves us and we can return to him. I find it’s useful to find something good to replace the bad thing with. A new good habit. What am I focusing on? Trying to focus on talk to God throughout the day. Otherwise it’s easier to slip back into the old ways. In Paul’s letters we’re told to put off the old self and put on new things.
Praying for yousoundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
February 28, 2017 at 9:05 amAmen Sister Michela – praying with you on this.
Praying that Misti would know in her spirit the choices she are making when they would take her off the narrow path.
Praying that Jesus would take any unclean spirit away from you so that you would seek God and gain Joy in his presence. He is always close but sins separates us, use Jesus to come back to each time, don’t have guilt that is from the enemy in this situation. God has overcome all your sin, but asks you to seek him. I say this as a failed person, who is known as unique and sepeical and loved so deeply by God.
God bless your day in Jesus name.jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
February 28, 2017 at 2:40 pmPraying Jonathan.
adoneiavanwykPrayers: 16Requests: 11
March 3, 2017 at 1:10 amPraying for you Jonathan. You did the right thing on start listening DAB!! This is the best community! I really encourage you to look for some kind of safety program for your computer that will help you…there are some Christians ones. Have a partner that can be accountable for to help you with the password…
matthew.ennorPrayers: 50Requests: 2
March 3, 2017 at 8:10 amPraying for God’s love and guidence over all of these issues.
Heavenly Father, Good Shepheard, we lift up these lambs to you. Pour your healing love over them, bring them back to your ways, help them make the right choices, in Jesus’ names we ask this of you, our gracious loving Father. Amen! -
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