Thank You
yhvh17Prayers: 1Requests: 1
August 31, 2016 at 4:40 pmPlease join me in thanking God for the Daily Audio Bible and the DAB community – for the eternal reality of it, in us and in our lives. For how it is bringing Truth and Light to, and into, so many people around the earth and uniting us all into the eternal rhythm of God and His Created – His Kingdom and Will on the earth as it is in Heaven. You are so Good, God, to appoint and anoint Brian as a forerunner in what we are all going through, and that he is not exempt from the trials, but in Your Grace he walks through them being an example for us. We are so thankful to You, God, for all Your Faithfulness to us, even when we are not able to see or understand it. Thank You, Father, for Your Gift of Faith, and for Jesus, Who has made the Way for us to return to You, and for Your Holy Spirit Who guides us into Your Love.
joycehmaPrayers: 56Requests: 4
September 2, 2016 at 2:40 amAmen. Standing with Brian and his family in prayer. We all lift up his arms, just as Aaron and Miriam lifted up Moses’ arms as another caller said. We pray your presence and grace over his family. We grieve and mourn with him his losses. Let our prayers for him help bear some of the burden. Lord, We pray your will be done, your grace sufficient for him. You are more than anything they could ever want in this world. Be his comfort and his shield during difficulties. Hide his whole family in your heart, surround them with your love. Thank you for the Hardin family, for the work you’ve done in and through their lives. Thank you for blessing us through his meditations on your Word. We bless his work as it is your work. We praise you that though this world will be filled with trouble that yet we can trust you.. You will never leave us nor forsake us. In a world of pain and suffering you are the singular beauty of our lives. There is none other; there is no one else we would love or follow this way. We love and bless you Lord. You who suffered it all so we’d never be alone; so we’d always have one who truly understands all that we face, no matter the difficulty or loss. That is how much you loved us. We love and bless you.
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
September 3, 2016 at 1:06 amAmen
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