Wisdom to help my mother
vitolo212Prayers: 14Requests: 5
April 15, 2017 at 3:39 pmShe has dementia and Parkinson’s and is in a nursing home near my brother in Nevada and I live in NYC. I’ve regretted agreeing with him to move her there, since allowing it to happen 4 years ago. My brother will no longer talk to me and has been lying to people in our family about me. I can only go out there 2-3 times a year and this is a big financial burden as I freelance so don’t earn any money while I’m there and have to spend a lot on hotels, airfare, car etc. I just want to bring my mother home to NY but this is looking impossible; so now I’m even considering whether I should try to move there to be close to her. I’m separated from my (2nd) husband because of his alcoholism and abuse and my daughter is grown and moved out with her boyfriend. At this point, my mother is the one who needs me most but I’m anxious about being so far from my daughter and the place I’ve lived my whole life and being alone way across the country. Please pray for guidance and wisdom for me and God’s salvation and healing for my family.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
April 15, 2017 at 8:52 pmDear Gloria
I pray that the Lord will 1st heal you of all the pain that you have faced in your past including the false accusations being made against you .
I pray that you will forgive your brother for the past hurt and anyone else that has hurt you.
May the Lord lead your family close to him and help them be saved . I pray that your mother will also be close to Jesus and not feel alone even though she is so far away from you .
May there be complete healing physically ,spiritually and emotionally in your family .The Lord will give you a sense of peace regarding what direction to take as regards to your mother .
Peace upon you sister
Yours in Christ
SheilasoundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
April 15, 2017 at 9:28 pmAmen Sister Shelia.
This is a hard situation and I think regret can be an emotion that keeps you in the past with sadness, your mother has her Heavenly Father watching and protecting her (Matthew 6:26). So I pray knowing this that you would seek God with all your heart soul and mind knowing even without your own effort God would provide. I pray also you would have time to have Joy with our God.
Remember whatever happens, our God is the judge, people that judge you without hearing your own words themselves will be judged by the measure or standard. Don’t be discouraged by this, only God knows your life and can see it as you do. I will start praying for your family relationships.
Remember our God is the God of the impossible, for nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). So I pray that God would provide an answer for you and I pray that if you would be unsure that someone close to you would point out that way independently.
I ask all these things in Jesus name. Amen.
jtylerk9Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
April 16, 2017 at 11:35 pmPraying for guidance and wisdom Gloria.
audriesblake667Prayers: 32Requests: 12
April 22, 2017 at 4:25 amPraying that God’s plans for you in this situation will become evident, and that you will experience His faithfulness as you walk with Him. I know what it is like to move to a new area without knowing anyone. This was what I called my ‘Abraham’ time. It was also where I had to lean on God more than ever, and grew me in ways I didn’t know I’d grow, and ways I knew I should grow.
I learned during that time how to spend time in His word, journaling, having Him show me things about myself that were holding me back from being fully whole. He became my best Friend. Know that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. Find promises and memorize them, personalizing them, for God’s desire for you is His best. He has not brought you where you are now to leave you. He has more for you, I know.
Prayers for sure, Gloria.
vitolo212Prayers: 14Requests: 5
April 23, 2017 at 3:59 pmThank you so much for these prayers. I take them right in to my heart. I feel like I pray and pray and answers don’t come and I just keep going.
I have to be honest ( I wish with all my heart that I didn’t feel like this) every day I wake up with a sense of dread…I dread the day…and I don’t want to; I make every effort to find hope. I talk to the Lord, listen and read the Bible, I muster up the hope to keep going….but every day feels empty.
I think it’s because I never see any change in any of the people who mean the most to me; my husband (who still wants to be divorced and won’t get help) my brothers, my friends, including my cousin who used to be my best friend but went and believed lies told about me by my brother and verbally attacked me. And when I say “change” I don’t mean that I’m looking and hoping for everyone to start agreeing with me on everything…I mean, I sometimes I say to the Lord, “WHEN are any of them going to get saved? WHEN will their hearts be opened to accept You?” I’ve been following the Lord (with some stumbling since) since 2001; just after September 11. I’ve been praying and hoping for the same people for all these years and I haven’t seen one friend or family member accept the Lord. Does this ever make any of you doubt that this is real? Like do you ever think, “Maybe I just made it up? Maybe this is my active imagination and need for a dream?”
I know I sound very negative here…but I have to be positive and encouraging to everyone else all day every day and t’s just exhausting sometimes…so I guess I’m venting all of this junk here.
I do try to look at the positive things like my relationship with my daughter…but still, how can I stop worrying about her until I know that she has Christ in her heart? She’s grown now and has made it through college and into adulthood without a father or any positive male role model. She’s a wonderful young lady and has a good heart but she’s naturally cynical about the idea of God the loving father….and she figures her mom just “needs” this God delusion to maintain some semblance of sanity.
Anyway, I’m all over the place and nowhere too…please continue to pray. God bless youvitolo212Prayers: 14Requests: 5
April 23, 2017 at 4:01 pmThank you for reminding me that God is there with her always. I miss her so much and feel so sad every day for what I’ve allowed to happen.
SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
April 23, 2017 at 5:58 pmMy sister Gloria
I am praying for you . If there is anything specific I hear from the Holy Spirit, I will come back with more .
May God’s peace overwhelm you . Do not believe the lies of Satan ! He is a liar and that is his language , always know that !
We love yousoundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
April 23, 2017 at 6:36 pmDear Sister Gloria,
Do you know what God says to me for you:
I LOVE YOU.You are dearly loved, his beloved. I believe you need to enjoy the time you have with God, he loves to hear your prayers and your voice. Sing your heart out in worship to him feel your soul lifted high. You are such a treasure to him.
Blaming yourself for anything does not come from him. You are a light in the darkness. Give every care and worry to him, tell him to take your burden and show you what you can do, remember you can do a little, he can do EVERYTHING ELSE, think that every day.
Understand your family are here and at your church too, your brothers and sisters are here to listen and support to lift you high in prayer and we will do that well.
God bless your week I am praying for you. In Jesus name. Amen.audriesblake667Prayers: 32Requests: 12
April 24, 2017 at 2:08 amGloria,
Find bible promises that you can personalize as a way to allow God to minister to you, strengthen and support you, give you comfort.
Isaiah 43:1-3a
Isaiah 40:10
Joshua 1:9
Ephesians 3:14-21
Phillipians 4:6-8
Romans 4:17b
Phillipians 1:6
2 Cor. 1:4
Ps. 37:4
Romans 8:26,27
Colossians 42, 6
James 3:13-18Prayers will continue for your needs, that the peace of God will immerse your heart and mind, and allow you to rest in His love for you.
vitolo212Prayers: 14Requests: 5
April 25, 2017 at 4:48 pmThank you Sheila, soundyaa and Audrie,
I feel your prayers today deeply. They were like a real touch from God today.
Thank you for letting me know that there are sisters and brothers out there who truly care about my well being. I love the reminder to enjoy my time with God; that’s exactly what I’m doing today…thanks to you all…I know HE cares because He blessed you with such comforting and encouraging words for me. Also, those specific words about singing; I used to be a singer and just auditioned for my new church’s worship team so I’ll be singing with them now!
On another note, I just heard the prayer for marriages on the podcast. I’d like to join in and fast this week and lift up all of the marriages that are struggling or near over, like mine. My husband lives in Virginia and I’m in NYC; I had to leave the house as his neglect, drinking and subsequent outbursts and verbal abuse were getting scary. I asked him to get help but he refuses claiming that it won’t do any good anyway. This man was terribly abused as a child and he battles an overwhelming guilt over his first marriage. His children are still very angry with him about his divorce from their mom 10 years ago. Although he’s given them everything from time, attention and support to exceedingly above financial support ordered by his agreement, he absorbs a ton of guilt over them. He needs healing, he needs forgiveness. Sometimes, I get so angry with him for throwing this marriage away too and then sometimes, I just think, “Poor boy, when will he look up and see that he can start a new life…if he’d just take a step.”
Anyway, I’m a little self conscious that I’m just going on about all of these problems.
I often ask God if I’m a negative complainer or I just have happened to have a significant amount of problems….to which I can’t seem to find resolution/healing. I just feel like a mess; marriage problems, family of origin, work, medical issues. What do you guys think? I feel like I’m just putting it all out there so I can have my family in Christ pray.
I’d hate to be “That negative lady dragging that big cloud along with her.”SheilaTPrayers: 2920Requests: 24
April 25, 2017 at 5:20 pmSister Gloria,
I know sometimes someone just wants to hear someone tell them that they care, I love to hear that 🙂 so know that we care for you and yes I am so glad that you are joining in fasting and praying. We are here to help with your burdens and lay them at the feet of Jesus so don’t feel bad about letting it out. Holding in all the pain is worse as it results to pain/ depression and we don’t want to hear that you are depressed. If you also can ask your husband to forgive whoever has wronged you as forgiveness truly sets people free! May Jesus give you all a breakthrough!Please receive a BIG hug from me!! Hug yourself so BIG and tell yourself , I will overcome!!
I am an over comer because I serve the King of Kings! My current circumstances are so temporary so I will NOT let them push me down! I will hold my head high knowing that this too shall pass!Regarding all the issues you are going through let us present them to our Redeemer Jesus
Lord Jesus,
I trust you Lord. Please break the chains that have held my sister in bondage. Help her overcome through the mess that she is in, heal the marriage , if there be any curse attached to her family of origin I ask that you break the curse Lord. Help Gloria in her current job situation and her way forward. Lord Jesus also remember Gloria is sick and she really needs to be whole so can you kindly give her a miracle? Lord Jesus we bring all her troubles and lay them at your feet since we really can’t carry her burden and she is tired and surely cannot carry her burden.
In obedience to your word :Matthew 11:28-29 New King James Version (NKJV)
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Thank you Jesus ! We ask that you overwhelm Gloria with your supernatural peace.
soundyaaPrayers: 3085Requests: 12
April 25, 2017 at 9:06 pmAmen Sister Shelia.
Dear Sister Gloria,
You are a child of God, you are loved for who you are by our great father in heaven.
Your situations sound really hard, never feel you are a complainer, never feel self-conscious and never worry if you think you wrote the wrong thing. I believe you need to keep close to God and pray into these problems and let us here know what it is and we will pray too, and watch and see God at work.
Glad to hear you are going to be singing in the church I know that will change you from inside. I do believe God is saying both prayer and singing will change you.
I think when you ask ‘I am just a mess?’, I would say no, I think you have lived through really hard situations and feeling loss and hurt or negative thoughts is so natural. But with God you will overcome these thoughts and situations. I think your about to see God in a new way. You will overcome this and as he changes you I believe you will be able to be a blessing to those in your life.
Will pray this week ahead for great experiences with God especially when you sing, so you would know that in worship he comes and changes you.
God bless you from your Brother Andy in Christ.
vitolo212Prayers: 14Requests: 5
April 26, 2017 at 4:54 amFirst of all, I missed a thank you to “jtylerk9” for praying for me and my family as well!
I’m so encouraged by all of the uplifting words; I feel the heart and spirit behind them. I will write more tomorrow…it’s almost 1:00 am in NY and of course, here I am awake again and have to get up at 5:30.
God bless you all!
Gloria -
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